It's that time of year again, where you have to start the morning in a toque and gloves, and end the day in a light sweater! Variable weather aside, it is the greatest time of the year to be working outside because of the wonderful fall colours, crisp smell in air, and of course the lack of pesky bugs.
Fall is normally one of our busier times, as many people want to get their properties cleaned up for winter use, and to allow for fresh regrowth in the spring. This has been especially amped up this year due to the local (and effective) newspaper, The Creemore Echo! We are so glad to have access to advertising that allows us to become known in the community and surrounding area.
ROCKandLAND can complete all forestry and land management tasks well in to the cold season, especially for jobs where a frozen ground doesn't impact the work. Brush removal, tree mulching, lot clearing, and deadfall removal are just a few of the most common tasks that we can complete pretty much throughout the entire year.
Give us a call to discuss your fall (or winter) project, we'd love to come and take a look (and enjoy the beautiful drive)!